This bug can help you manipulate any Google search query

Kelvin Jose
2 min readJan 11, 2019


We all have seen the Knowledge Graph results on Google as show below

It is is a snippet box displayed in the search results where the search giant displays quick information related to a query searched by a user. Knowledge Graph usually appears on the right side of the search results.

If you click on the share button on every card you’ll get a quick share shortened link which will redirect you back to a Google search result which contains a &kgmid parameter having an unique identifier.

The story is that you can add this parameter to any valid Google search result to manipulate any result and it will show you the Knowledge Graph card next to the search results of the search query. For instance, you can add the Knowledge Graph card of Elon Musk to a search for the Donald Trump, even though that card would normally not appear for that query. The result you’ll be getting would look like something below.

Give it a try!



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