Graph Theory : Go Hero
Hi all. I’m super excited to bring this story series focused on Graph Theory. It’s absolutely one of my favorite topics in Computer Science. We’re going to see a lot of very awesome algorithms. The whole field is really huge and applicable to many real world problems out there. I hope everybody can learn, explore and love graph theory in a more intuitive way.
The whole series would be in a more CS perspective rather than the mathematical norm, so we would be seeing how graphs are created, stored and traversed in a structured way.
This would act as an index to the whole series. I will update it as soon a new post is up.
- Introduction to Graph Theory
- Types of Graphs
- Special Graphs
- Representation of Graphs
- Shortest Path Problem
- Connectivity
- Negative Cycles
- Strongly Connected Components
- Traveling Salesman Problem
- Bridges
- Minimum Spanning Tree
- Maximum Network Flow
3. Depth First Search (DFS)
- Overview
- Basics of DFS
- Pseudo Code of DFS
- Connected Components
- Pseudo Code to Find Connected Components
- Applications of DFS
- Overview
- Basics of BFS
- Pseudo Code of BFS
- Applications of BFS
- Introduction
- Graph Theory of Grids
- Dungeon Problem
- State Representation
- Pseudo Code
- Introduction
- Trees Out in the Wild
- Storing Undirected Trees
- Rooted Tree
- Binary Tree
- Binary Search Tree
- Storing Rooted Trees
- Conclusion
- Leaf Node Sum
- Pseudo Code
- Height of a Tree
- Pseudo Code
- Conclusion
- Introduction
- Rooting Solution
- Pseudo Code
- Introduction
- Calculating the center
- Pseudo Code
10. Identifying isomorphic trees
- Introduction
- Graph Isomorphism
- Tree Encoding
To be continued …